Monday, January 30, 2012

Quilting Weekend

One of my goals for this year was to sew something every week. I have not posted anything and January is almost over. I just wanted to assure everyone that I am, in fact, on top of this goal. I have been sewing skull caps for my husband to sell since December. I have probably made 60 skull caps since 2012 has begun. This weekend I went to a quilting retreat on the beach. I did not start sewing my things until I finished 25 skull caps to mail to Michael on Saturday by 12:30 when the post office closed. Some of you may not know what skull caps are so I took a couple of pictures for you. My dear friends were models. I sew each of these to size so they do take a little time. About 1 hour per skull cap.

EJ was able to stay with The Lowe's this weekend for his first time. He had a blast and I hope Grammi and Papaw did too. I am so blessed and thankful that I have two wonderful sets of grandparents for EJ. He is definitely a lucky little boy. I was very glad, however, to get home on Sunday and feel those arms wrapped around my neck and hear the words MaMa once again. I thank the Lord daily for my little one.

Thanks for reading. I have some news to share later this week so check back in around Thursday.

Models - Cynthia and Carolyn

25 ready to be shipped

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project 365 - First 3 Weeks

I am so excited that I am up to date with my Project 365. I have joined a group called My Creative Life (2012) Workshop at This is where my layout ideas and kits are coming from for the entire year.

There are often times that I feel like I am taking the same pictures over and over. Hopefully I can break out and try some new things in the upcoming weeks. The problem is when EJ hears the camera click on or sees it come out, he wants to turn his head away. I have to bribe him to stop and smile. But, he is just so cute I don't know of any other subject I would want to focus on. Here are my layouts for Weeks 1 thru 3.

Week 1 - Created with Woof, Woof, Meow by Tullala Moon Designs
Week 2 - Created with Fit For 2012 by ScrapALatte Designs
Week 3 - Created with Globe Trotting by Tallula Moon Designs

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Kreations Inspired By My Aunts

I have been busy in my kitchen for the past week and expect to be even busier for the next couple of weeks. My mother-in-law introduced me to canning last year when their garden had an abundance of green beans. My husband then bought me a 16-qt pressure cooker/canner. Since that time, I have not done much canning. This year, my uncle's garden had an over abundance of turnip bottoms. My parents picked all of them but did not have much of a use for them. I asked if I could have them. Last year I had seen on a blog where someone made pickled turnips. I wanted to try them. So I did. They are very pickled (dill) and only last 1 month in the refrigerator. I, on the other hand, were expecting a taste more like pickled beets. I have only tried pickled beets this year after my Aunt Patsy (from my husband's family) gave us some she had canned. They were great. So I got her recipe this weekend and plan to make the next batches with the pickled beet recipe just replacing the beets with turnips.

Well, my Aunt Annie, who is a great cook and cans a lot of things, gave us some Cinnamon Pickles one year made out of cucumbers. We loved them. So I decided to try this recipe with the turnips as well. It is a 5 day process to make these but well worth it. They are wonderful. You would never know that they are turnips. So I have decided that this recipe is a keeper.

I have a lot of work ahead of my with these turnips. My wonderful parents peeled and cut all of them for me. So I now have at least 6 more batches of turnips to can in the next few days. Wish me luck. If anyone would like to try some of them, let me know.

Pickled Turnips

Cinnamon Pickles (Yum!)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Best Job I Have

I have to say that the best job I have ever had is being a mommy. Since we waited so long to be permanent parents, I try to enjoy every moment with EJ. Sometimes that is easier than others. EJ is almost 2 and I am beginning to think we are entering the Terrible Twos stage a bit early. He has definitely gotten the tantrum part down pretty good without any coaching from me.

However, this week he has been sick so I am trying to overlook some of the crying and stomping. He is snotty and congested at the same time. Last night at midnight he was taking a sip of milk then taking a breath, taking a sip of milk then taking a breath, on and on. I have to say I actually fell asleep before he finished his bottle. I know he is miserable and his little nose if very sore from being wiped every 5 seconds it seems.

The graphic for today is one of EJ during his breathing treatments that we are trying to do 4 times a day. In order for this to be a calm experience, EJ insists on watching The Wiggles on the laptop. It doesn't matter that they are already playing on the TV, he insists on the laptop also.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project 365

I know that I am often one to start a project and not see it to the end when it comes to personal projects (not those that involve others). I have decided to take on Project 365 this year. My goal is to take a picture everyday of the year of something in my life. It will probably revolve around EJ since he is the center of almost everything I do. Week 1 of the project ended on Saturday and I have completed my layout for the first week of 2012. Hope you like it!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

     Well, I have decided to embark into the world of blogging for 2012. Due to my family situation, I think this will be a good way to keep everyone up to date on my life and all the exciting accomplishments of our little miracle, EJ.
     What can you expect on this blog? Almost anything. I plan to share my life with you. That includes
  • being the Christian that God would have me to be, 
  • being a wife to Michael (long distance and at home),
  • being a mommy to EJ (which is a tremendous adventure),
  • being a 6th grade math teacher in today's society,
  • being creative when I can find the time. My creativity falls in the categories of scrapbooking, embroidery, quilting, and sewing.
     Boy, where has the time gone? I can't believe that it is already 2012. As a lot of people do, I have also made a few resolutions this year that I am working hard to keep. Below is a short list of the ones I am willing to share:
  1. Spend time with God each day in prayer and Bible study
  2. Spend quality time with EJ each and every day showing him how much I love him
  3. Focus on health in 2012 - including eating healthy and exercise
  4. Project 365 - take at least one picture every day as well as scrapbook one page daily until caught up
  5. Sew something weekly. This can be for myself, Michael, EJ or my Etsy store
     Well, that is the beginning of my blog for 2012. If you talk with me or want to respond, please feel free to keep me accountable if I fall behind on these resolutions I have shared with you. I wish your all a great 2012. If I can do anything to make your year better, please don't hesitate to ask and I will see what I can do.
     Well, here is my first picture for 2012. My family spent time in Orlanda over Christmas. It is not often we get a good family picture with a 22 month old smiling. I hope you enjoy.